Saturday, November 29, 2008

Surgery Delay

My surgery has been delayed from the 1st of December to the 10th due to insurance problems. That's okay though it works out better for most involved. Had the surgery remained on the 1st everyone would be rushing for various reasons. This way Papa has more time to get here and can drive at a safer, more leisurely pace. Nathan will be in Louisiana during the surgery, but will return a mere 6 days later and my father will be with me that whole time.

I'm still in disbelief about my recent losses, but I'm sure that's expected at this point. Psychologists say that each time you lose a friend or family member, it becomes more and more difficult for one to handle. It brings up all the old emotions of those you lost previously, so even though two people passed away this past week, I could be experiencing the emotions of the loss of five people instead. I hope that made sense.

Other than that, I'm doing okay. Not necessarily great, but okay.

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